Friday, April 11, 2014

Five on Friday!

TGIF. After a long week, a baby with a double-ear infection, and sunny weather...I'm more than ready for the weekend! On to the 5...

ONE- Am I the last person to board the Hunter Boots train? I think I need these in my closet, but am trying to justify the purchase. Pros: They're super cute, will keep my feet dry when it rains, they're super cute, will keep my feet warm when it gets cold in Florida, they're super cute. Cons: It only is cold for 5 days in Florida, they've over $100, I can't wear them to work. I'm positive the pros outweigh the cons :)

TWO- The Master's is this weekend! Suprisingly, I actually enjoy watching golf, even when it is on TV. I'm thinking we will sit on the deck and watch it on TV with these in hand.

THREE- Kennedy turned 9 months last week. I.KNOW. Anyway, when I had her, I thought I would magically lose the weight by my sister's wedding (12 weeks postpartum). Didn't happen. Then comes Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. and it is not coming off. People say, 'it takes 9 months to put it on, give it 9 months to come off'. Did you read that she turned 9 months last week? WTH. No more excuses. I'm thinking I'll do this workout when I get off of work, and then reward myself with an ice cold beer glass of water

FOUR- We went to a high school baseball game last night. Jared is an assistant principal, so we went to support the team, baby in tow. Let me tell you, there are many moments as a mom where your heart beams, but watching your little girl smile and greet every man, woman, and child that walks by is the sweetest thing ever. Such innocence. I want to put her in a bubble and never let her out into this sometimes cruel world

FIVE- Easter is next weekend! We teach and live out the true celebration behind Easter in our family. With that said, it also gives me an excuse to go on a frenzy to make sure Kennedy has the best Easter basket ever. I know she'll remember it forever ;) Below are some things I have already bought and that are on my list

Happy Friday!

Cheers- Michelle

Thursday, April 10, 2014

9 months old

Kennedy Lane, how in the world are you 9 months old? As cliche as it sounds, times flies. I find myself wishing and getting excited about your next stage. How fun it will be when we can bake together, paint our nails, and go shopping. I have to remind myself to stop, breathe, and soak it all in. You've been alive in this world the same time that I carried you safely in my belly. How is that possible? You are a high maintenance little thing. Daddy swears that you're a different child when I'm not around. Probably true since I have you glued to my hip when we are together! I need the extra exercise anyway, so it's a win-win, right? You are the joy in our lives. I now can start to grasp how much God loves us, his own children. Kind of mind-blowing.

You have two teeth, are army-crawling everywhere, and love to eat. I'm still scared to give you some solids since you just mash it with your gums. I'm sure our next child will be eating steak at 6 months. #firsttimemomproblems I just spent $175 on 9-month clothes for you! Good thing Daddy doesn't know about this blog yet. It was a necessary expense, I'm sure of it!

I love you my sweet girl and am so incredibly blessed that God chose me to be your mama. Until next month...xoxo

Where it all began...

For a while now, I've been quite the blog follower. Every morning, I log into Bloglovin from my office and read my favorite blogs. Never have I ever thought that I would have my own blog, because honestly, my life is not that interesting. I see all my 'blog friends' (as my husband calls them) write about these fancy DIY projects and these creative Pinterest inspired parties they throw for holidays like Earth Day, and I thought there was no way I could compete with the blog world. BUT- here I am! My goal behind this is to write about my day-to-day adventures so that one day, my daughter can look back and see what our life was like when she was a baby. This is my diary to you, Kennedy Lane.